My Type Village
It is obtained from a mixture of Whole Wheat Flour specially prepared for Village Bread and distinguished Anatolian wheat.
It takes volume as desired and is easily processed. It offers the taste of natural village bread with its unique flavor and color unique to Anatolian bread.
- Explanation
It is produced in Natural Village Flour, White Flour and Roasted Barley Flour. It is a product rich in Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. It activates digestion and regulates blood pressure.
25 kg Çeşidim Köyü 1 kg Yeast 15 kg Water 450 gr Salt Kneading form Fork boiler 25-30 min. Spiral boiler 8-15 min Temperature 24-26 degrees Process fermentation First fermentation 10 min. Cutting rounding intermediate fermentation 10 min. Final fermentation 30-45 minutes The temperature and duration of the ingredients are changed according to the dough weight.